Let the Hamper Extravaganza Begin!
We hope you’re loving our shiny new website! We’re bursting with excitement at the prospect of sending our delicious hampers all over the UK. We love the idea of sharing our fabulous foodie products far and wide! As Julia Child said, “People who love to eat are always the best people,” and our hampers are made with only the best people in mind.
We had planned a fun, boozy, website launch party, but that just isn’t happening during these COVID times. What we are doing is giving you the opportunity to win our Sweet Treats Hamper. Simply sign up to receive our wonderfully newsy newsletter for your chance to win this yummy hamper. Our newsletters are a great way to keep up to date with our seasonal offerings, new products, inspiring gift hamper designs, independent producer profiles and the occasional recipe.
It’s worth remembering to check back in with our website regularly. We’ll be adding our extra special Christmas hampers soon and we also have some interesting events and tasting experiences that you won’t want to miss.
And speaking of tasting experiences, have you spied our cool collaboration with Coppercairn whiskey experts? We’ve come up with a Whiskey Tasting Hamper containing everything you need to take part in your very own whiskey tasting experience in the coziness of your home. The hamper includes carefully selected whiskey and food pairings for 2 people along with tasting notes and an invitation to join a live Zoom tasting led by Keeper of the Quaich himself, Mitch Bechard. A great treat for those dark Winter nights!